Links for Parenting
Social, Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties Team – Parents Helpline
A helpline for parents seeking advice about managing child’s behaviour has been introduced by Essex County Council. Please see the helpline flyer for details of how to contact a member of the team.
Our Social, Emotional and Mental Health Co-ordinators send a termly newsletter to parents, which can also be found on the links below
At North Primary School we take e-safety seriously and children in all year groups get taught about e-safety at an age appropriate level at the start of every term. A reminder of this is included in teacher’s termly letters to parents which provides links to useful sites. The e-safety letter sent to all parents in January 2018 contains more information.
Please also see summaries of the the Year 6 e-safety information and questionnaire carried out in December 2019 and Year 5 letter to parents and workshop information following lessons in January 2020.
Some sites which are very helpful are shown below.
Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service (ECFWS)
The Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service (ECFWS) is delivered by Virgin Care Limited in partnership with Barnardo’s, to deliver children and family services across Essex, including local children’s community health provision. Services are commissioned by Essex County Council and West Essex CCG, and work closely with partners within education to change outcomes for children and young people.
Every month, ECFWS promote and support specific local, national, and international campaigns by providing information and resources to schools, communities, and organisations that can improve health and wellbeing for all. The campaigns are interactive with real-life practical learning examples, including web links to resources. Please click here for information about the services they provide.
School Nurse Service
In North East Essex, between the age of 0-8 years your child will be under the Health Visiting Service, from their 8th birthday onward they will be under the School Age Team up until the age of 19 or 25 for those with Special Educational Needs.
The team is made up of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses, School Nurses and Healthy Family support Practitioners, who all specialise in the delivery of care to School Age children and young people.
They deliver health advice and support both within School, within the family home, our family hubs and delivery sites or other community settings.
The team can help with:
- Providing confidential drops in sessions at every secondary school allowing young people to discuss any health or wellbeing concerns
- Provide community drop in sessions at family hubs and delivery sites.
- Provide support in key stages including school transition from primary to secondary, mid teen and year 11 help to ensure that young people are prepared for their next stage of life.
- Offer support in regard of common childhood issues (Bedwetting, diet, exercise, sleep and emotional wellbeing)
- Complete individual health needs assessments to identify any health and wellbeing needs, then putting support in place.
- Work alongside you to decide the best level of support.
- Work alongside other organisations when required to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your child.
- The school age team will accept self-referrals through school drop in sessions, Parents, teachers, GP and other health care colleagues can refer through to the service by making contact- 0300 247 0015
Community and Family Learning (ACL Essex)
ACL Essex offer FREE interactive courses available for parents, grandparents or those people caring for a child or young person living in Essex.
Courses are delivered online live & face to face at various locations across Essex and some flexible learning classes. Please click here for more information on courses available.