The governors are responsible for ensuring the school is managed effectively and policies and practice comply with legislation. Duties include agreeing the budget, reviewing policies, monitoring standards, setting targets and appointing staff. The full body meets once a term, with detailed work done in committees which meet more frequently. The main committees are: Curriculum, Finance, Personnel and Premises. Full training is available to everyone who becomes a governor.
Our current governing body (terms of office are shown in brackets) are shown below. Click here to read about the governors who are on our governing body. For details including membership of committees and key responsibilities please see the Governing Body information for 2024 – 2025.
Mr Alan Garnett
Authority governor
Mrs Juliette Maxam (04.06.2027)
Vice Chair of governors, Chair of curriculum committee
Co-opted governors
Mrs Jan Blackwell (31.08.2026)
Chair of governors
Mr Steve Gook (31.08.2026)
Chair of premises committee
Mrs Adele Jennings (30.11.2026)
Chair of finance committee
Miss Karen Jacobs (31.10.2026)
Mrs Elspeth Skinner (31.10.2026)
Mrs Beth Dagge (10.02.2026)
Mr Nicorum Flaherty (15.05.2027)
Parent governors
Mr Ben Howard (28.01.2026)
Vice chair of finance committee
Mrs Claire Mold (30.11.2026)
Mrs Mubeena Siddiqi (30.11.2026)
Mr Duncan Stewart 30.11.2026)
Staff governor
Mrs Sarah Hewes (05.11.2028)
Governor leavers within last 12 months
Mrs Sheila Walker (term of office expired 31.08.2024)
Mrs Sareta Fontaine (14.02.2025)