Introduction to North School

Everywhere I go I meet people who attended North. They all have fond memories and talk of security, trust and teachers who shaped their lives. We strive to maintain that tradition and reputation by building strong relationships between home and school.
We make the most of our town centre location, links with other educational and sporting facilities and our own specialist facilities – including a purpose built Reception class, a music studio and an ICT suite – to deliver rich and varied learning opportunities.
We expect our children to make a difference as well. As they develop and mature, they are taught to take responsibility for their own learning, to help others in the classroom, to play a role in the school and to make a contribution to the wider community outside of the school gates. Education continues to change at a rapid pace. Colchester is changing too. Staff and governors work hard to make sure all change is managed effectively, is consistent with the school’s principles and will aid children’s social, emotional, spiritual, physical and academic development. If you are considering sending your child to our school, we would be delighted to let you see for yourself. Have a look around our website and call us to make an appointment to meet me and have a tour.
Alan Garnett